Tuesday 3 May 2011

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Throughout our project we have gained a large amount of audience feedback mainly from creating a group on the social networking site Facebook. This allowed people to give us comments and feedback on videos and images of our work that we had posted on there. This was very useful as it ensured that we could improve and develop any areas that weren't as strong as they could of been for example; people commented that they think it could be improved we more shots being filmed outside in our video instead of too many shots of the plain white background to give it more variety. So we could then make sure that we have a wider range of shots and more outside this gave the video more appeal and was more interesting to watch.

We also posted our video on youtube as this allowed a wider range of people to see it and gain more feedback. We learnt that we needed to include more of our narrative shots as people felt that this made the video more exciting and gave it a story where as too many performance shots can become boring, so we took this on bored and developed the video.

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