Monday 12 July 2010

Creative Techniques

When filming we used many different creative techniques that made the video look more effective, such as tilting the camera upwards to show the scene of the crime which is someone dead on the floor and also show a view of the killer and their reaction to the death which effectively built up tension. We used a filter in the editing soft wear to make the scene appear darker and create a more gloomy atmosphere, this was very simple yet effective as it created more suspicion and fit the chosen theme. We used pan as the killer walked behind the pillar and through the doors this was effective as watching her walk away from behind builds up the suspense for the audience and leaves them questioning who it could be. We also used a high angle shot to show the killer walking down the stairs with a view of her feet and the top of her head, this is effective as again it creates tension and unawareness for the audience of who the killer is. The creepy and tense music that is played throughout the video is also very effective has it adds to the suspicious theme, and fits in with the idea of a horror/thriller genre. I think that using these creative techniques has been useful in giving me ideas for what techniques work well to create a certain theme.

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