Friday 10 September 2010

Conventions Of Chosen Genre

The typical conventions of a 'Pop' music video for a girl band are that they include fashionable outfits, either quite bright colours to go with an upbeat song or all in black to fit in with a sexy image. They also tend to involve a dance routine to appeal to the target audience a it also makes the video more interesting to watch. The videos are usually set either outdoors walking down a road etc or in a studio on a plan black or white background but this depends on the song as the video tends to relate to the lyrics. In the video that we have chosen to base ours on 'work' by 'the saturdays' it is set inside with them doing a dance routine on a large stage with dark lighting and flashing spotlights to make them stand out and look effective. At also shows various shots of each saturday alone either sat onb a sofa or leaning against some steps etc, so the video is set in the same place throughout but has a variety of shots to make the video more interesting.

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