Friday 4 March 2011

Shooting Schedules

Monday 8th or Tuesday 9th March- Book studio with black backdrop to shoot final image of steph to add to Work advertisement Poster.

Friday 11th March- Film all the final shots in the different locations with all costumes and also narrative shots.

Friday 11th March- Book studio to take photos for 'Exclusive' Cd cover and the images that will be features in the booklet.

Wednesday 16th- Begin the final edit.


What is working well...

In our project at the moment the things that have been working well include the dance routine being successfully completed and looking professional and sleek with the costumes on the rough cut of our music video.
We have also had a lot of positive feedback about the different shots used and feel that we have been working very well together as a group in order to get the different tasks completed.

What needs to be improved...

We need to include more of a different range of shots on our video as from watching back our footage at the moment the plain white background looks a bit too boring and needs to be more interesting and have more variety.
We also need also need to work on completing work on time for our deadlines instead of rushing at the end.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Audience Feedback

After showing the rough cut of our final music video to other members of our class and uploading the video onto facebook we had lots of positive feedback and comments back.
We were told certain sections and shots of the video that need improvements as well such as; making the lip sinking more in time on certain scenes and the timing of the dance routine in some areas, also cutting back and forth between shots more to make it more interesting. We were also told we when editing our shots together to make sure that we don't walk back on different points as it jumps just as the song begins.The white background is also quite boring so we need to mix up the locations more often, and to add in the narrative shots as this will make it more affective.
Some of the positive feedback we received was that the dance routine was exciting to watch and the transitions between shots were fluid and there is also a lot of variety, also that the shots outside work well as they make the video more interesting.