Monday 17 January 2011

Ancillary Research

This is the image for The Saturdays new album it is very similar to our idea of putting the name of our album on our hands. So this image gave us some inspiration for our cover, and links us more to the band we are basing our project on. However, we are planning to make are cover different by challenge some of the conventions such as; our outfits will not be as bright colourful and feminine. We are going to go for more of a rock look to add interest but at the same time follow some of the typical conventions by still looking feminine, seductive and happy.

Friday 7 January 2011


The concept of genre is very useful in understanding my work as in order to create a music video for my project i need to be aware of the codes and conventions of the different genres so that we can include these in are video and also challenge the typical conventions in order to make ours more interesting.
Rick Altman disagrees with this concept as he think that if you stick to the conventions that everything becomes too predictible, and viewers become passive voyeurs so genres and thereore restrictive.
Richard Maltby believes that the the sucess of hollywood is reliant on the combination of predictable elements with variation. For example; if an audience go to watch a thriller film then they will alreading expect what is going to happen in the film because of the typical conventions of this genre, so it can be disappointing.

Our music video fits in with other music videos as it follows some of the typical convetions of a 'pop' video, and involves a lot of the elements that girl bands include in their music videos. Such as a dance routine